About me

My passion is to provide innovative ideas that you wouldn't find on Google.
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"I am a creative person who loves to find the gaps within various businesses and bridge them with innovative ideas."

"Business without innovation is like a vehicle without wheels."

I am on an eternal journey of creativity and innovation. Being a strategic thinker and a creative person with an inclination to innovate, I feel blessed to have the mindset and the courage to think out-of-the-box and bridge the gaps that exist in the market place.

To innovate is to possess the courage to explore without having the fear of failure. Thanks to this attitude that I can steadily move on conquering my fears and consistently innovating new ideas.

In all these years of founding and successfully running Banana, a creative agency which is being restructured,there has been one thing that remained consistent and that is, my passion. There is not a single idea until today that I created and executed without putting all my heart and soul in it.

Why I am a perfect fit for your creative work?

My commitment to potential clients is that they would receive classy, elegant, and compelling communication at all times.

Thanks to my passion for creativity and courage to break the rules, I am moving in the direction of helping marketers and business people by introducing unique ideas and products.

I am fortunate that I am living a life of abundant creativity.

A Sales Professional

Strong foundation of hardcore selling helps me create ideas that help sell your brand.

Committed Attitude

Highly responsible and committed to deliver awesome ideas without compromise.

Very Friendly

All my clients eventually become my friends and so you would when we work together.

Utmost Credibility

I cherish the love of my clients for creative ideas and maturely handling their projects.

Highly Experienced

Tremendous experience across various businesses helps me in helping my clients.

Own Pro Team

I have my team of professionals to help me execute the ideas that I create.


To make you feel comfortable about me, let me share where I am coming from?

I have come a long way to reach where I am today and what I have become. In life certain things do not take place and that's why later on you feel you've been blessed. Yes, fortunately, I didn't get a job as a sales manager in an ad agency I was looking out for and that was the turning point in my life.

I started my own agency by the name of Banana.

  1. My Journey on the path of Creativity

    The first step - completing MBA with distinction

    I began my journey for creativity when I completed my MBA from a reputed institute in India with specialization in marketing and advertising. It helped me build my mindset of a marketer and an advertiser.

  2. Successful career in Sales

    Opted for a tough choice to learn more

    However, when it was time to begin my career, I followed the approach of army in which every officer is initially deputed at the border to know what happens on the front. I wanted to know what happens on the sales front; hence I opted for the tougher choice and joined sales. Thankfully, my decision to follow the tougher option proved right and I am able to create powerful concepts.

  3. An Opportunity to learn programming

    An unexpected gift from the universe

    My life was on a high and it was then I won a free 1 year course in C++ in a dance competition which opened a different window of learning software. I got fascinated with it and went ahead with Web technologies and studied ASP followed by graphic designing including Photoshop, Illustrator, Web designing softwares, flash animation, mass mailing campaigns and a lot more.

  4. Product Manager's Job in Dubai

    A great exposure at international level

    Later, I got an opportunity to move to Dubai as a product manager responsible for marketing of Sharp's consumer electronics and had the privilege to launch the first Digital Camera with LCD Monitor through massive marketing campaign. A few other products that were managed by me included TDK AV products, Minolta's Digital Cameras, Remington hygiene products.

  5. Sales job in IT Companies

    Got a vast exposure in IT industry

    As I was trying to reinvent myself and to elevate my career, a Sales Manager's job in IT company providing web development solutions landed in my lap. Having learned the technologies, I moved ahead and joined an American company as a Country Manager selling Navision ERP Solutions, followed by a Regional Manager's position in an MNC in IT Hardware. At this point, it seemed like an end of my job career as I decided to become an entrepreneur.

  6. Began with my own ad agency - Banana

    Followed my heart and passion for creativity

    I guess the timings were just right as I began to learn more and more while working as the Regional Manager in an IT hardware company where I was handling marketing activities. It was time to quit and say good bye to jobs and begin the journey of creativity as an entrepreneur.
    You may be surprised to learn that I have never worked with any Ad agency and that's the reason I don't follow conventional industry rules because I don't know any.
    I made my own rules based on my experience in selling and rather became unconventional in my thought process. I began to create ideas that were more impactful just like professional sales people make their pitch.

  7. Got into Events Management

    Learning 360degree of marketing solutions

    Thanks to Minosh Salam, I got an opportunity to manage a Seminar for the company he worked for at that time. I was working for their email flyer when he challenged me if I could handle a seminar for them. Although I had no previous experience yet I took this challenge and that was the beginning of events management in my life. Later on I began to manage large events such as Face of the Year beauty pageant, conferences, gala dinners, product launches and exhibitions including stands building.

  8. Creativity & Innovation

    Finally landed on the right track

    For almost 8 years, I've grilled myself to learn all aspects of marketing that included branding, creating collateral, website designing, eCommerce platforms, radio commercials, social media, events management, printing solutions, ad campaigns, product launches. Thanks to my hard work and passion, today I feel myself to be in a perfect position to manage branding, 360degrees of marketing, creating & executing innovative ideas, writing blogs, and adding value in my clients' businesses. However, one thing that remains common even after decades of experience is learning and developing myself into a more creative person than I was yesterday.